We walked down this timeline together, constantly warning each other about the danger of cults, virtue signaling our normalcy early and often so that we could remain trusted members of 'the group', with the best possible futures for ourselves, our families and our children. In other words we worked so very hard to be the epitome of middle-class America, with resumes clean as the wind-driven snow, only to be brutally split at the last second into Patriot and normie-sleeper, pitted against each other in a brutal albeit largely passive-aggressive fight to the death. In Covid we saw our very own converted into zombies, dragging themselves along syringe in hand, demanding we be jabbed or risk conviction of murder for our irresponsibility. Suddenly all of the precautions doled out by Western Medicine for decades became the great divider as those worshipping Doctors as Gods were pared away from those guided first by their own common sense. And the stakes? Death! said the jab supporters, even while their own agencies posted a 99.7 survival rate. Then, as Covid unfolded, the landscape grew even darker. Death certificates falsified. Bounties for 'hospital stays'. Intubation death protocols in the hospitals revealed. And Fauci, Dr. Evil for the Ages, hawking remdesivir onto 'Covid death' for a bounty. Then morticians reporting strange threads in the vascular and the black hole of Covid just seemed without bottom - until you realized that the Doctors = God crowd were quickly knitting up the narratives in all directions, rewriting history and selectively selecting facts to weave a 'mainstream narrative' where all the chilling bad bits were mysteriously either missing or explained away via some innocent coincidence. At this point Patriots begin to get the point: this was not a pandemic, this was not even a medical emergency, this was politics metastasized into medicine metastasized into irregular warfare. In other words, the most horrific cult had been brewed right under our various noses. While we were busy watching curious Christian sects do whatever it was they do, Satan was working right down the middle, twisting secularism into a bloody coup against any righteous hiding in the ranks. And we were outed violently, ruthlessly, sometimes publicly with consequences far more serious than disapproving looks from our neighbors. Holy hand grenades! And worse, everything seemed connected to everything else. If you were against the jab you were for Trump you were then a White Supremacist you were then a redneck knuckle-dragging Cro-magnon from hell who hated women, wished all progress in the 60's be undone, a supporter of the White Patriarchy and dark opposer to all things woke. It was as if with one swipe of the syringe the world went total binary and everyone knew, with the check of only a single from a collection of attributes, which side you were on. And in those black and white capsules have we been contained since those early Covid days all the way until now, the night before the election, where two openly hostile war parties wish destruction upon the other, crossing their fingers that machinations from hoped-for powerful but mostly unseen forces put down opposing detested but mostly unseen forces - all with a dirty, corrupt and mostly repugnant election process as the final arbiter as to who won the war. If the White Hats have been running this operation all along, they done a fantastic job of keeping that in question. If the goal was to de-brainwash normie sleepers out of their murderous intent, well, tomorrow I guess we will see if any true progress has been made. If not keep your heads down Patriots, just when we think we know the stakes, the next move or the possible outcomes, the rug is pulled thoroughly again - why would November 5 be any different?

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Great observation of what is really happening

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Great read.

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