There are two trains of thought competing in our world right now. That’s not true - there are probably many trains of thought, but in my head, there are two that need to be addressed. Although they are similar, they are riding along two distinctive tracks. One track is run by the Deep State, and the other by the Patriots. Both tracks are centered around deception – the idea that what we see is not real. In an Information War, that is to be expected.
To begin, we must first understand what the “Deep State” is:
Track 1: The Deep State is in Control
Along the first track is the idea that the Deep State remains in control and they are running our government as they always have. If this is true, then it was their decision to install Joe Biden as President.
Joe Biden has been involved in American government since 1973 and ran for President two previous times. His 1988 campaign failed after he was caught plagiarizing a speech, and it was reported that he lied about finishing in the top half of his class in law school, when he actually finished at the bottom (76 out of 85). In 2007, Biden again announced his candidacy hoping that the American people forgot that he was a dishonest plagiarizer, but after the media reported that he described Barack Obama as, “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean,” his campaign failed to recover, and he dropped out of the race.
After 8 years as the Vice President to that “articulate and bright and clean” African American, and a 4-year hiatus while President Trump ran the country, the Deep State chose Joe Biden from a wide range of eligible people. Did they honestly believe he was the best candidate to receive support from the American people? Although they knew they could manipulate the election, would the American people forget that Joe Biden was a dishonest, plagiarizing, racist? It didn’t matter. We had no power to dispute the results of the election and we were told Joe Biden was President.
After four years, the Deep State was able to persuade Biden to step aside so the next articulate and bright and clean African American could run for President. Never mind that the American people didn’t like Kamala Harris in 2020 when she ran for President, or that they didn’t like her as Vice President. Until she was selected as the Democrat nominee, Kamala Harris was the laughingstock of Washington DC.
The Deep State is so powerful in their ability to cheat on November 5th that they are confident running the laughingstock of DC as the Democrat nominee for President. For a powerful Deep State, they pick awful candidates.
If the Deep State is able to pull off another election theft, what does their power look like over the next four years? How much power have they really had over the last four?
What Was and What Is
To recognize the difference in the country, it’s important to stop and reflect on some important events surrounding Trump’s first term in office. His inauguration kicked off the chaos when the media reported that he lied about the number of people in attendance. Do you remember the people dressed as female anatomy, wearing pink hats? The #MeToo Movement was the first display of a mostly peaceful protest. Windows were broken, cars were set on fire, Madonna thought about blowing up the White House.
The constant undercurrent of Russian collusion permeated Trump’s first term, as did the story that he was a white supremacist. His “very fine people” statement was an easily provable media lie that turned a lot of people into Trump supporters once they took the time to actually listen to what he said, rather than rely on the media’s version of it. Even left-leaning website Snopes has declared that hoax to be false.
There was no shortage of media stories to keep us stressed and anxious throughout 2016-2020. Of course, the worst of it was probably Covid. We will never forget Covid and what they did to us. Our classrooms, businesses, restaurants, and churches were closed. College students were forced out of their dorms. People lost their jobs. Small business owners were forced to close. We were shamed if we didn’t wear a mask, stay indoors, get vaccinated.
George Floyd’s death and the subsequent riots in Minnesota added to the chaos in the country. The documentary The Fall of Minneapolis is a great reminder of that period of time. It’s a very well put together documentary featuring body camera footage of George Floyd's arrest, interviews with police, and other information that may change your outlook on that event.
Kenosha Wisconsin had its own riots and chaos after a police officer shot a man. BLM riots were popping up everywhere and it was obvious they were anything but organic peaceful protests by members of the black community. In the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or “CHAZ” in Seattle, Washington, the liberal mayor ordered the Police Department to stand down and allow an entire neighborhood to be overrun with protesters. Violence and chaos ensued.
Anti-American Marxists were defacing and destroying our historical statues, the NFL was “taking a knee” during the National Anthem, Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing was chaotic after accusations from Christine Blasey-Ford, we were subjected to the first impeachment hearing, on and on…
Compare that period with the most recent four years. The chaos ended. Joe Biden was elected President in a fraudulent, stolen election. Weirdness ensued. The Insurrection That Wasn’t, also known as J6, dominated the news for too long. Covid continued to linger. The Democrats tried again to impeach President Trump. Election theft stories dominated the news. The media was excited every time a new lawsuit was filed against Trump, only to be disappointed when nothing came of it. Unemployment is sky-rocketing and the economy sucks, but we are not seeing the violence and chaos that we were.
If the Deep State is still in control:
Why was Joe Biden chosen as the candidate?
Why was Joe Biden allowed to remain in office for the last four years?
Why was Kamala Harris chosen now?
Why was the severity of Covid allowed to end?
Why weren’t we locked in our homes for the last four years?
Why weren’t we forced to get vaccinated?
Why weren’t more restrictions put on the American people?
Why don’t we see threats of war with Iran, North Korea or any other country?
Why haven’t there been more pandemics, terrorists’ attacks, riots?
What happened to ISIS, MS13, Antifa?
Why haven’t police departments been defunded?
Why was the Deep State so quiet over the last four years?
Why wasn’t the Supreme Court expanded?
Why hasn’t Donald Trump, members of his Cabinet, his family, and his supporters been imprisoned or bankrupted?
Why wasn’t Trump jailed?
Why haven’t they been able to stop him from running?
Why wasn’t the second half of the 16-year plan to destroy America carried out?
Track 2: Patriots are in Control
The other train of thought is that the Deep State is powerless. The eagle has (almost) landed. Is it possible that during the last four years, members of the Deep State have been reprogrammed, reconditioned, and reeducated on important American qualities like the Constitution and Bill of Rights, American patriotism, and the resolve that America will never be a socialist country? Has the Deep State been stripped of their power and are now working toward reversing the damage that they’ve done? Are Patriots controlling our country, keeping us safe, prepping for upcoming justice?
Who is really in control?
Getting Back on Track:
These are the two competing theories in my head right now:
Everything is fake, and we are being lied to by the Deep State who are as much in control as they’ve always been, they’ve just decided to take it easy on us; or
Everything is fake, and we are being lied to by Patriots because although Patriots Are in Control, it’s not over yet.
Even if theory #2 is right, it wouldn’t be amplified, advertised, or discussed. First of all, it’s just a theory, or opinion. There is no way to know if this is right. Other reasons to avoid the topic include:
Many people won’t understand why we had to go through this period of time. They are still too brain-washed and uninformed about the depth of the corruption.
Social media is full of grifters working to keep us miserable and beat down. They don’t want us to feel hope; it will cut into their profit.
Voters will become complacent if they feel the work is done, and won’t show up to vote.
If the American people suspect Trump or our military could have prevented the last four years, they will rebel.
While I understand the logic above, I have faith anyone reading this trusts President Trump, our military, and “the Plan.” We understand that what is happening in this country – in the world – is bigger than any of us. Regardless of how smart we think we are, or how much we think our solutions are best, we will never know the whole picture. The rot that has oozed over our world is being erased. We don’t know what the Plan is, how big the Plan is, or how long the Plan has been in the works. But I think we are seeing the Plan coming to its end.
This theory has given me so much hope, and I don’t believe it’s far from the truth.
The Matrix
Regardless of who is in control, the country needs normalcy right now. For those who have not yet awakened, they have to believe that everything is as it always was. The campaigns will appear to continue as normal with rallies, debates, and commercials. On a recent trip out of state, I saw my first Harris sign. Actually, I saw more Harris signs than I would have liked. The television was on in the hotel and I saw the first campaign commercials of this election period. Since I live in an alternate reality, it was a little unsettling due to the normalcy of it all. Then I realized that that’s the point.
In the 1999 movie The Matrix the lead character, Neo, was given the option of taking the red pill, which would allow him to see what was actually happening outside of the illusion that was created by the Matrix, or the blue pill, which would allow him to remain in a state of blissful ignorance.
This is a great explanation of what we are currently living through. Some of us have awakened, or taken the red pill, while some of us are still blissfully ignorant (taken the blue pill). Those who are still oblivious to what is happening will continue to slowly be led into the new reality before they are jolted by it.
Many people use the red pill/blue pill analogy when describing our country’s current situation. A “black pill” in this context is used to describe someone who has been awakened but who doesn’t believe anything will change.
Negative attitudes and the tendency toward black pilling from others used to exhaust me. Lately though, I see its value and it’s giving me hope. When I returned home from my trip, I noticed that people who were once fully red-pilled were suddenly concerned about Kamala Harris and Trump’s chances of winning the election. At first, I was surprised. How do people not understand that Patriots will not allow another stolen election, or risk our country destroyed by Civil War? Where was their faith? These people were black-pilling, but now I embraced it.
To many people this election looks like any other. Trump supporters are concerned that the Democrats will cheat, the election will be stolen and our country will be lost forever. When we have been subjected to years, decades, or a lifetime of feeling that we were losing control of our country, why would this time be any different? How can you blame them for black-pilling? To me, this feeling that nothing has changed proves that the Plan is working. Patriots have drained the swamp, started the process of fixing our broken systems and are working toward delivering justice.
If die-hard red-pilled Trump supporters are worried that the election may be stolen and Harris will become President, then Trump supporters who are still sleeping are also worried. They think that everything is as it always has been. They don’t know that there has been a Plan in place. That President Trump and the Patriots have been working in the background to cleanse our world.
What will their reaction be when it is proven that the 2020 election was stolen, that Covid was intentional, that members of our government and our media are corrupt and lied to us about everything? There will be an Awakening the likes of which we have never seen before. This revelation and its impending shock will remove all responsibility of the last four years from President Trump. He will be our Hero. And he will be able to say, “I was right about everything.”
It will not be President Trump or our military who the American People will be angry with. It will be the Deep State, and it will strengthen our resolve to Make America Great Again.
The patriotism in this country will be unlike anything we’ve ever experienced.
We walked down this timeline together, constantly warning each other about the danger of cults, virtue signaling our normalcy early and often so that we could remain trusted members of 'the group', with the best possible futures for ourselves, our families and our children. In other words we worked so very hard to be the epitome of middle-class America, with resumes clean as the wind-driven snow, only to be brutally split at the last second into Patriot and normie-sleeper, pitted against each other in a brutal albeit largely passive-aggressive fight to the death. In Covid we saw our very own converted into zombies, dragging themselves along syringe in hand, demanding we be jabbed or risk conviction of murder for our irresponsibility. Suddenly all of the precautions doled out by Western Medicine for decades became the great divider as those worshipping Doctors as Gods were pared away from those guided first by their own common sense. And the stakes? Death! said the jab supporters, even while their own agencies posted a 99.7 survival rate. Then, as Covid unfolded, the landscape grew even darker. Death certificates falsified. Bounties for 'hospital stays'. Intubation death protocols in the hospitals revealed. And Fauci, Dr. Evil for the Ages, hawking remdesivir onto 'Covid death' for a bounty. Then morticians reporting strange threads in the vascular and the black hole of Covid just seemed without bottom - until you realized that the Doctors = God crowd were quickly knitting up the narratives in all directions, rewriting history and selectively selecting facts to weave a 'mainstream narrative' where all the chilling bad bits were mysteriously either missing or explained away via some innocent coincidence. At this point Patriots begin to get the point: this was not a pandemic, this was not even a medical emergency, this was politics metastasized into medicine metastasized into irregular warfare. In other words, the most horrific cult had been brewed right under our various noses. While we were busy watching curious Christian sects do whatever it was they do, Satan was working right down the middle, twisting secularism into a bloody coup against any righteous hiding in the ranks. And we were outed violently, ruthlessly, sometimes publicly with consequences far more serious than disapproving looks from our neighbors. Holy hand grenades! And worse, everything seemed connected to everything else. If you were against the jab you were for Trump you were then a White Supremacist you were then a redneck knuckle-dragging Cro-magnon from hell who hated women, wished all progress in the 60's be undone, a supporter of the White Patriarchy and dark opposer to all things woke. It was as if with one swipe of the syringe the world went total binary and everyone knew, with the check of only a single from a collection of attributes, which side you were on. And in those black and white capsules have we been contained since those early Covid days all the way until now, the night before the election, where two openly hostile war parties wish destruction upon the other, crossing their fingers that machinations from hoped-for powerful but mostly unseen forces put down opposing detested but mostly unseen forces - all with a dirty, corrupt and mostly repugnant election process as the final arbiter as to who won the war. If the White Hats have been running this operation all along, they done a fantastic job of keeping that in question. If the goal was to de-brainwash normie sleepers out of their murderous intent, well, tomorrow I guess we will see if any true progress has been made. If not keep your heads down Patriots, just when we think we know the stakes, the next move or the possible outcomes, the rug is pulled thoroughly again - why would November 5 be any different?
Great observation of what is really happening