Dawn Billie, Thank you for putting to digital posterity the musings that you seem to pluck directly from my very own cognitive space. This I value immeasurably. You are awesome!

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Thank you so much for such a thoughtful message! It's reassuring to know that so many of us think alike. I appreciate your support and am so glad we were able to connect.

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Good piece. Thanks for your insight.

My biggest question now is, was covid, the lock downs, the jab, etc, Trump and the patriots' idea as well?? How involved were they in bringing the disease to our shores, better yet, being part of the crew from UNC-Chapel Hill who "leaked" the disease? Warp Speed was unleashed to push the jab's, wasn't it?? If so, how much did Trump and the patriots know of its nefarious properties.

I'd hate to think it all was used by "the good guys" to get their desired outcome. The maiming and murder of innocents should never be part of a "game plan". While I realize they are the product of war, they should never be allowed to be collateral damage at the onset.

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Covid is a such a mystery and I'm not sure if we'll ever know the truth. My first thought is that it was leaked by China, but were any of our agencies behind its creation? My hope is that Trump and the Patriots controlled it the best they could and used it against the Deep State like so many other events we've been through.

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Thais is my assessment and was the primary reason Trump put Fauci up front and center….his placement led to exposures from local to global in the range of corruption and evil.

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Okay. I don't have the faith you do. Maybe it's because my husband was stolen from me, post covid, but protocols were used against us. Too, maybe it's because I've learned so much in the last 2 years, about every sector of society. Corruption is far, wide, alive and well.

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Awesome article Dawn. You are absolutely correct; we MUST fix the election system. If we don't do that nothing else really matters. But as you say there are many other things we must fix, and I think that is either already in the works or will be soon.

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Great article Dawn. We knew that Trump will win and that this time the election won't be stolen from the people. We can now say that 4 years ago 8million votes were bogus and that Trump was the legitimate President. Only time will tell when Biden and his clan be locked up for treason.

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Took every thought I had, organized it and put it on a Substack. Incredible

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I love comments like this. This validates my way of thinking and shows me that others feel the same way I do. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to comment and thank you SO MUCH for your support.

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But in your heart you know how this ends. Behind the scenes forces have been resetting and brainwashing and orchestrating since before 1776 - those forces clearly battle each other from time to time, but the biggest no-no is revealing the manipulation - doing so exposes Oz, and worse, the fact that someone must be behind the curtain. The White Hats have shown us just enough to give their side the boost they needed, they'll clean-up from here, dust it all with plausible deniability and then disappear into the ethers. Just be happy we are not being left in Dark City - Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness is the narrative they've decided on for now, let's not look a gift horse in the mouth.

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I pray it’s way more significant than this.

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