Do you remember the atmosphere in the United States on September 11, 2001? Or the days immediately after? We were in a state of shock. Life was surreal. Most of us were fortunate to not be directly affected by the disasters that were playing out around us, but that didn’t lessen the despair that we felt for our country. Waking up on the morning of September 12th to find flags placed in every yard in the community made our hearts swell with pride. We were a nation devastated by the attack on us. It was time for us to come together, to support one another, to rebuild our great nation and protect it from those who wish to harm us. There was patience, respect, and love for our neighbor. It was us against them.
Are we approaching a moment in time when we will once again be jolted awake to the attacks on our nation? Does anyone else feel that it is necessary for us to experience another jolting event to awaken the American people to the attack that has been perpetrated against our country during our lifetime (and likely much longer). Nothing changes if nothing changes. A 9/11-type scare would most certainly wake up the masses. Without the death and destruction of course, but something to snap everyone out of their stupor, stop in their tracks and ask, “What is happening?” We’ve heard the stories of “where were you when Kennedy was assassinated,” or “when the towers fell.” We need a story that starts with, “Where were you when you found out that our world has been run by greedy, evil, criminals who have enslaved us for hundreds of years.”
It's the only way.
Of course this is all speculation. No one knows anything. If we have learned anything during this time, we’ve learned that it is imperative that we think for ourselves; that we do our own research. We need to actively search for data to confirm or deny our beliefs. That is exactly what I am doing here; attempting to confirm or deny my belief that this is the only way.
The military is the only remaining agency with any credibility to the American people. I’m sure at some point most of us have seen some version of a post on social media that mentioned the military taking over our technology (phones, televisions, internet) and broadcasting 3 x 8-hour loops of video confessions and military tribunals of our corrupt government in order to awaken the American people. Since no one can claim to know anything and it sounded so outlandish, we dismissed it and moved on. But what if it isn’t so outlandish? What if it has some resemblance of the reality to come?
Trump has to win in 2024. There is no way around it. How can we assure a Trump victory without cheating ourselves? Our country requires unity – it is us against them. The only person that can get us there is Trump (admit it). He understands the depth of the deception to which we have been subjected. Although we want to believe that everyone loves Trump as much as we do, that just isn’t true. There is still a great deal of hatred for Trump in this country. His in your face, truthful, brash style is a breath of fresh air to those of us who are tired of glossy, slimy politicians lying to us. But the truth is that many in this country are so accustomed to handsome, fit, well-spoken liars that it is difficult for them to stop organizing politicians in those perfectly formed boxes. And that’s the point with Trump. He has been trying to teach us to look behind the curtain. To see these liars for what they are.
How many Americans are disillusioned with the voting process? Regardless of how dedicated we are to voting, no matter how many new voters we register, no matter how many “Get Out The Vote” campaigns we post, people will refuse to vote. Our vote doesn’t matter. How many ways from Sunday can we be shown that? The 2020 election proved it again. No matter how hard we tried to get SOMEONE – ANYONE to listen to us about the fraud, no matter how many provable instances of election fraud there were, Trump was not inaugurated on January 20, 2021. Why will 2024 be any different? Nothing has changed. (I am NOT telling you not to vote. Get your ass out there and vote no matter what.)
Our country requires healing. So many people are unaware of what has happened over the last eight years that it’s a little frightening. How do we continue on as we have been just waiting for an election, hoping things change?
So, there’s an election in November and somehow, they allow Trump to win. How do we ensure he has a team of loyal American patriots supporting his Agenda to fix this country? Down-ballot elections are of concern too. We have not eradicated Marxism from our country. We need The People to understand the brainwashing that has occurred, we need them to understand that it is us against them. We need to unite.
We need a jolt. We need to jar people awake. We need to be sure that communism / socialism / Marxism is never allowed to creep back into our country in the future. It is our generation’s responsibility to leave this country in better shape than we inherited it. That means change. Hard, significant, major change. An election isn’t going to do that.
No one wants the stress and anxiety that we experienced during 9/11. We also don’t want the daily stress of working 50+ hours a week trying to make ends meet. We don’t want our children indoctrinated into believing the United States – the absolute best place on Earth – is a horrible country to be shamed and ridiculed. In order to see change, we must push past our comfort zone. How many people have you experienced in your daily life, how many of your family members, need to be pushed past their comfort zone? How do we begin to heal if some of us don’t understand the depth of the injuries we have suffered? Because many don’t.
The United States needs to become the phoenix of the west.
We need to (metaphorically) burn it down to rise from the ashes. It’s the only way.
As I like to do, I began an exercise of “what if” to talk myself out of the idea that we need an earth- shattering event to wake The People up.
What if there isn’t a ‘big reveal?’
If Biden wins, we’ll say they cheated.
If Trump wins, they’ll say we cheated.
Will those of us who are still ‘asleep’ ever understand the depth of the depravity we have been exposed to?
Will they ever come to trust and support Trump and future America First Presidents who work to right the wrongs of our past?
Will we always suffer division? Black vs White / Democrat vs Republican / Rich vs Poor?
Will we ever know the level of corruption of our elected officials?
Will elected officials who committed crimes be held accountable?
Will the corruption continue?
Will we have term limits?
Will we have valid elections?
Will the taxation that is crippling us continue?
Will elected officials who participated in election theft be prosecuted?
Will we learn how elected officials corrupted their office so it is never allowed to happen again?
How do we ‘drain the swamp’ if people aren’t aware of the depth of the swamp?
If Trump wins the election and begins to prosecute the criminals, will The People say it’s a vendetta?
If Trump wins the election, will the next four years be like 2016-2020 where they spent more time fighting him than working for us?
How do the American people become unified?
Us against Them.
Not “some of Us” against “some of Them.”
Not “some of Them” against “Us and Trump.”
There are so many reasons why The People need to be awakened with a loud, blaring, startling alarm. Our “elected officials,” the corrupt politicians who worked to destroy us, almost got away with it. Slowly, methodically, with a great deal of patience, they tightened the boot on our neck. The slow rise of inflation, the addition of new or higher taxes put us in a position that it is impossible to function without a two-person income. We work 50+ hours a week (just to make ends meet), come home from work, cook dinner, help the kids with homework, get them ready for bed, prepare their lunches, cut the grass, do the laundry, clean the house, on and on. We’re exhausted. We should be expected to pay attention to what our elected officials are doing? To pay attention to who is running for office? Why? We can’t change it anyway. The media lies and tells us what they want us to know. How do We – The People – fix this?
These papers help me to organize my thoughts. I don’t need to convince anyone that I’m right because I’m not even sure I’m right. My desire is to have others read this and provide feedback to determine if my thoughts make sense, and if my theories hold validity.
Citing sources is important to me to support my ideas, but this one is particularly difficult because it’s just a theory. There are no (credible) sources to confirm this theory. Common sense and critical thinking are my only support. That and focusing on what doesn’t make sense, such as…
The June 27th debate between Joe Biden and President Trump. According to the New York Times this was the first debate “set before either candidate has officially been nominated,” and “No general election debate has ever been held earlier than September 21, nearly three months later than the June 27 date.” Why was the debate held so early?
The Commission on Presidential Debates usually hosts debates. However, Biden requested that news organizations host the debate, “rather than the commission, which has organized the debates for every presidential election since 1988.” Why CNN?
Biden requested that there not be a live audience. According to KGW8, an NBC affiliate, this was the first debate since 1960 that was not held in front of a live audience. Why? Could it have anything to do with the subject of my paper titled “J6: A Different Perspective?”
We all know how the debate turned out. Biden was a disaster. He came across as feeble, mumbling, and incoherent. At times throughout the debate, it looked like the man really needed a chair.
Don’t hate me here, but in my opinion, President Trump’s performance was mediocre. He made some good points but mostly used his time to dispute the hoaxes that Biden brought up. It felt like a typical debate between Trump and Biden. Except that nothing about this election period is typical. Biden shouldn’t be President – remember? They stole the 2020 election!
The moderators, CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, were insignificant and appeared bipartisan (*gasp*). According to the AP, “CNN determined ahead of time that Tapper and Bash would be questioners, not umpires.” This was a much different platform than debates of the past.
Although there was a brief mention of the 2020 election theft when Dana Bash asked President Trump if he would accept the results of the election, any real meaningful discussion of the theft was non-existent. WHY? Why wasn’t Trump shouting from the minute he stepped to the podium that the debate is a farce. This whole election – the last four years – have been a farce?!
Where several independent journalists speak of the election theft often (as we should), Trump rarely mentions it anymore. It’s almost as if he is trying to distance himself from that story. Why?
To sum it up, I believe it is more than likely that between now and November 5th, we will be subjected to an earth-shattering awakening that will educate all of us of the evil that has taken over our country and what has been done to correct it. This will come to us without the fog of war that we’ve been living under. There will be no room for misunderstanding or doubt. President Trump will be removed from all of this and will emerge afterward acting as shell-shocked and surprised as us. I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but I feel that this is necessary to return power to The People.
At the beginning of this paper, I asked if we are “approaching a moment in time when we will once again be jolted awake to the attacks on our nation. A 9/11-type scare would definitely wake up the masses.” When I typed “a 9/11-type scare” it hit me. For years I thought Q’s ‘[scare] necessary event’ referred to a nuclear scare. Read Post 521 and see if it doesn’t fit with the theme of this paper. Keep in mind that Patriots Day is September 11th: