The Kavanaugh Reboot
There’s been a recent exodus from X/Twitter of celebrities afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Stephen King and Rob Reiner decided to stomp away and take their brilliant insight to another platform. Being the conspiracy theorist I am, I find it doubtful either of them made that decision on their own. It’s more likely they are being treated for Stockholm Syndrome and are undergoing a re-education to American values. Examples of re-education can be seen in the decrease in severity of TDS symptoms in Alec Baldwin and Chris Cuomo. Will we someday see Stephen King and Rob Reiner with a change of heart, or are they lost forever to their Marxist hate? Not that anyone cares.
Kathy Griffin has been a well-known TDS sufferer for years, so I decided to look through her timeline to see if she stomped off too. She didn’t. She seems to have quieted lately so I started scrolling to see if she took any breaks from Twitter in the recent past. I thought that maybe she had been in the same graduating class of re-education with Cuomo and Baldwin. I didn’t get very far before I got distracted by something she reposted from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.
In The Calm Before the Storm, I mentioned the Kavanaugh hearings with a side note that I think Christine Blasey-Ford should be prosecuted for her role in that debacle. This new report by Sheldon Whitehouse caught me by surprise so I read through it.
The report is 32 pages long, with eight of those containing the reference list. Brett Kavanaugh began his term on the Supreme Court in October 2018. Sheldon Whitehouse’s report was issued in October 2024. It took a member of Congress with the resources of the federal government behind him six years to complete a 24-page report. As you can imagine, it was a gross waste of government time and money (@DOGE).
To be honest, this paper will be completely biased against Sheldon Whitehouse, and everyone involved in the Kavanaugh hearing circus. There are certain members of our government that I view as an embarrassment to America, and Sheldon Whitehouse is at the top of that list. He has served in the Senate since 2007 which further proves that our elections are fake.
My boredom grew as I read through the report, learning nothing new, including the fact that our federal government is a waste of money. For years, Whitehouse, other members of the Senate and their taxpayer-funded staffs repeatedly attempted to revive a dead story by trying to persuade the FBI to produce some type of evidence of criminal behavior by Justice Kavanaugh. Not surprisingly, they failed.
From 2018 on, Senators Whitehouse, Coons and Feinstein sent multiple letters to the White House and Attorney General requesting communications between the White House and FBI regarding a supplemental background investigation. The report states, “Not included for the sake of brevity are many dozens of emails, calls, and meetings between Senators or their staff and the FBI, DOJ, and White House officials over the course of this nearly six-year oversight.” Six years of taxpayer-funded payroll hours dedicated to investigating an allegation that was already investigated. It’s clear from the report that the Senators felt they were getting the runaround from the FBI, and that may be true. After all, the Senate voted to confirm Justice Kavanaugh based on the fact that the FBI’s supplemental background investigation was unable to produce corroborating information of the allegations by Christine Blasey-Ford.
The report says, “Most glaringly, the FBI did not interview Ford about her allegations or Kavanaugh about those claims.” This veiled accusation of wrongdoing by the FBI doesn’t add up since the Senators interviewed Kavanaugh and Blasey-Ford themselves. For days.
According to the report, the only people the FBI interviewed were witnesses with potential firsthand knowledge of the allegations. People who were not present at the event in question were not interviewed. I’m not an attorney, but Sheldon Whitehouse is. He served as the Attorney General of Rhode Island from 1999-2003. Testimony from a person without direct knowledge of an event is considered hearsay and is not admissible in court. It shouldn’t be allowed in a congressional hearing either. Including statements like this in the report only serves to mislead the reader into believing something improper had occurred. That theme continues throughout the report.
In a blatant display of government hypocrisy, Whitehouse’s report complains that the supplemental information from the FBI was provided to the Senate, and their staff briefed them on the documents before each member was given a one-hour window to review them. He appears to imply that they weren’t given enough time to thoroughly review the documents. The information presented to Senators contained more than 1,600 pages of material. Reading between the lines it sounds like Whitehouse was appalled that they weren’t given more time to read through and understand what was contained in the supplemental report. Senator Whitehouse fails to notice the similarity of Nancy Pelosi telling the American people that they have to pass a bill so we can see what’s in it. It’s no different than saying, “you’ll have to confirm Justice Kavanaugh so you can see read his Opinions.“
To avoid any image of impropriety, Republican Senators hired a prosecutor from Arizona to question Blasey-Ford. After the hearing, the prosecutor produced a report stating that she did not believe a reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against Kavanaugh based on the evidence presented. She added that there were multiple inconsistencies in Ford's testimony and her case was even weaker than the standard "he said, she said" case, since other witnesses either refuted the allegations, or failed to corroborate them. There was a thorough vetting of Justice Kavanaugh, and the allegations by Blasey-Ford were not credible enough to prevent Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. The Democrats sudden shift toward morality is insulting.
The Kavanaugh confirmation hearing was an embarrassment to America, and I believe the Democrats orchestrated every minute of it. Watching the confirmation hearing was a shock to my system, even after everything I had witnessed prior to that time. Those hearings left a lasting negative impression on me. I’m curious how many newly awakened people are unaware of what took place during that hearing. How would the American people react to the Democrats’ behavior after what we’ve experienced the last several years?
Researching topics for this paper I found it difficult, if not impossible, to find stories of the circus that took place during the hearings, from not only Democrat Senators, but also from the spectators. What should have been a respectful, dignified celebration of the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice turned into a classless, vulgar display of Democrat psychosis. It was shocking, shameful, and an embarrassment to America. The hearings were continually interrupted by spectators, causing delays in the proceedings while the disrupters were escorted from the room.
It was clear that the Democrats would stop at nothing to prevent President Trump from achieving his goals for America. The timing of Christine Blasey-Ford’s allegations was suspicious, as well as the fact that she didn’t report it when it happened and couldn’t remember important parts of the story. It seemed clear to me that this was all done to destroy a man’s life and his reputation. Over politics. The Washington Post reported that Blasey-Ford was cashing in on the events of 2018 with virtually no pushback, noting that she received over $1 million in donations, a swanky book deal, and overnight stays at Oprah’s house.
The Democrats’ attempted destruction of Justice Kavanaugh didn’t stop with him. According to Blasey-Ford, her close high school friend Leland Keyser was at the party where the alleged assault took place. Keyser initially said that she didn’t recall the party, but she believed Ford. In a later interview she said that she no longer believed her, had no recollection of being at the party, and couldn’t recall ever meeting Brett Kavanaugh. She said she felt pressured to originally corroborate Blasey-Ford's recollection of the night because she and others had threatened to disclose Keyser's "addictive tendencies" and other personal issues if she didn’t corroborate the story. Isn’t that extortion?
According to Breitbart, The Devil’s Triangle is a book by Brett Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge who writes that Democrats and their media allies engaged in witness tampering, extortion, and outright cruelty in their quest to destroy Justice Kavanaugh. Judge testified under oath to the FBI that he never saw Brett Kavanaugh assault anyone. In September 2018 Mark Judge received a telephone call from someone threatening to extort him. They were dumb enough to leave a message, so Judge turned it over to the FBI.
What struck me about Sheldon Whitehouse’s report is the timing of it. Six years after the confirmation hearings, a report on the Kavanaugh investigation resurfaces. Why now? Sheldon Whitehouse published a book titled The Scheme: How the Right Wing Used Dark Money to Capture the Supreme Court in October 2022. It should be illegal for a member of Congress to profit from the work he does for the American people, regardless of their party affiliation. Was Whitehouse’s book the reason the Kavanaugh confirmation resurfaced? Whitehouse’s book was released two years ago, while the Kavanaugh hearings were six years ago. Is Whitehouse trying to sell more books, or is there another reason for the timing of the release of this report?
Christopher Wray was the FBI Director during the Kavanaugh hearings. Wray is a confusing character. Is he a sleeper? What is a sleeper? Should we trust him? If he wanted to sabotage Kavanaugh’s confirmation, he didn’t do a very good job of it. Whitehouse’s report implies that the FBI was working against the Democrats in their quest to destroy Brett Kavanaugh.
This past Saturday, President Trump announced Kash Patel as his nominee for FBI Director and people are freaking out. Watching Sheldon Whitehouse’s smug expression in an interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell gave me hope for the future. Was Whitehouse tricked into parading his report out to the public like a proud peacock only to bring this story back into the public’s view? Is this a reminder to the public of the corruption, extortion, slander, and other crimes that were committed during Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing? Are the people behind the attempted destruction of Brett Kavanaugh uneasy now? Mr. Patel has a lot of work ahead of him, but will exposing this embarrassment to America be pushed back into the limelight?
ABC News interrupted their regular programming Sunday night to announce that Joe Biden will pardon his son, Hunter Biden. Are we about to see a surge of disclosures sneakily made public?
Nothing that we’ve been forced to endure should be swept under the rug. Let bygones be bygones my ass. Every lie, every theft, every bit of corruption that we have been subjected to should be brought to the public’s attention. Hopefully President Trump and Kash Patel feel the same. As Abraham Lincoln said, “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.” It’s been a hard battle. We deserve sweet victory. Watching as those behind the attempted destruction of Justice Kavanaugh and so many others are held accountable will not only prevent it from happening again, but it will also provide the justice that so many of us long for.
We deserve sweet victory indeed. Good digs and timely resurfacing of this disgraceful topic.
I remember watching a full day of hearings and it was so sickening to me. I consumed more than my share of a bottle of wine and went to bed completely disgusted. Please I hope she and those who put her up to it are held to account. Now we have to talk about Ketanji Brown……?