Depending on your age, you may have a childhood memory of the discernible sound of the tick-tick-tick of a stopwatch coming from the television. It was dinnertime on Sunday night and 60 Minutes was starting. (I know it’s still on, but I’m trying to be nostalgic here.) If your childhood was anything like mine, you probably had five or six TV channels to choose from, and your birth order in the family determined whether you were the designated channel changer. Life was different then. Mike Wallace and Harry Reasoner hosted 60 Minutes. There was no question that they were telling us the news of the week, and it was all true.
Except it probably wasn’t.
Life has changed since then but unfortunately, too many people still rely on “the news” for current events. Many people, especially older generations, don’t know any other way to get news, and younger generations rely on social media. Neither realize the depth of the propaganda and programming they are subjected to. It’s hard to convince either that the news isn’t news. We are being told a version of events that probably isn’t true. As Dan Bongino says, the media is telling a story, not the story.
There are many examples of dishonest media. Popular mainstream media icons lost their careers after being caught in lies or questionable activity. For years Brian Williams shamelessly told elaborate stories that were proven false. Chris Cuomo was fired from CNN after an investigation into his involvement in his brother’s sexual harassment defense (his brother is former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo). Matt Lauer was fired from The Today Show for alleged sexual misconduct. These were once trusted names in news. Our trust in them was obviously misplaced.
Those of us in the “truth community” know that the dishonest media is an old topic. Nothing they say can be trusted outright. It’s best to ignore them and educate yourself independently. Since more people enter The Great Awakening every day, it’s important to help them understand why the media can’t be trusted. When they realize the depth of the media lies, it opens their eyes. They start to question whether anything they believe is true. It happens to all of us.
Our Seniors don’t know how to decipher the news, since mainstream media is all they’ve ever known. They weren’t raised with the technology we currently have, and trying to learn it now is overwhelming. It shouldn’t be so difficult to learn the truth about your government, your country, or your world.
The older generation was raised with Joan Lunden, Hugh Downs, and Walter Cronkite, who removed his glasses and wiped away a tear when reporting on the death of President Kennedy. Walter Cronkite was respected. There was Good Morning America, the evening news, and the occasional weekend news show. There was no CNN, Fox News, MSNBC. They’ve had to adjust to the constant flow of news, not realizing that it is all propaganda. Tell them that the news is fake, and they will proudly tell you that they watch Fox News. They don’t realize that Fox News is propaganda also. Profit-driven media tells you the story their advertisers want you to know. All media is Fake News.
Speaking of Fake News, an October 2020 article in The Independent reported that President Trump used the term nearly 2,000 times since the beginning of his presidency. Since this article is almost four years old, it’s safe to say he’s said it many more times since then. The Independent claims the first time Trump Tweeted the phrase “Fake News” was in December of 2016.
Those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome were too busy clutching their pearls to stop and think that maybe he was branding the news as FAKE because it is. Trump has been telling us the media is the Enemy of the People. They were trying to destroy the foundation of our country and Trump was trying to warn us. His message has gotten through to many of us, but we still have work to do. The nasty women of The View are still allowed to spew their ignorant, one-sided vitriol.
The American people need a deeper understanding of what the media really is: propaganda - biased news used to intentionally spread ideas to either promote their cause or to harm an opposing cause. The media's role should be to keep the public updated on current events with accurate information. It is not their job to shape public opinion, influence our views, or promote a biased agenda. Yet, that is exactly what they do.
WebFX published an article titled “The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media,” which includes an easy to understand graphic of the brands that fall under each of these companies. Regardless of which news channel you choose, there are only six major companies responsible for delivering the content you see. Common sense dictates that this makes it impossible for them to deliver unbiased, factual information. We learned about monopolies in school and understood the concept of one seller or producer supplying a good or service. Since there are more than one, these media companies can’t be accused of monopolizing the industry, but they are definitely monopolizing the information we receive, and it isn’t right.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a mockingbird is a bird that copies the sounds made by other birds.
The Mockingbird Media is illustrated in this 11-minute compilation video posted on YouTube. Below is a sample from that video which shows the mockingbird tendency of the media.
There is no independent thought. They are reading a script.
The Q posts introduced me to Operation Mockingbird, which was an alleged program of the CIA that recruited journalists and manipulated news media during the Cold War. Operation Mockingbird was designed to use journalists operating as CIA assets and used news organizations to cover for CIA activity. In other words, the CIA developed relationships with the media to deliver propaganda to shape and manipulate people’s thoughts and beliefs. The relationship between the CIA and the media goes far back in our history.
In a 1983 interview, former CIA Agent and whistleblower John Stockwell said the following:
A 1974 New York Times article titled, Huge CIA Operation Reported in US Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years begins with, “The Central Intelligence Agency, directly violating its charter, conducted a massive, illegal domestic intelligence operation during the Nixon Administration against the antiwar movement and other dissident groups in the United States.” How’s that for grabbing your attention?
The article continues with a CIA official and others insisting that all alleged domestic CIA operations against American citizens had ceased, and instructions were issued to ensure that they could not occur again. Based on what we’ve learned over the last few years, the likelihood that it did occur again, if it ever ended, is strong.
In 1977 Rolling Stone magazine printed, “The CIA and the Media.” This article covers journalist Carl Bernstein’s six-month investigation into the relationship between the CIA and the media. “The history of the CIA’s involvement with the American press continues to be shrouded by an official policy of obfuscation and deception,” the article states. The principal reasons for the deception include the CIA’s belief that the most productive way to gather intelligence came from the use of journalists. They had to remain deceptive because admitting the relationship between the CIA and journalists “would inevitably reveal a series of embarrassing relationships in the 1950s and 1960s with some of the most powerful organizations and individuals in American journalism.” Do you think the relationship between the CIA and journalists ended in the ‘50s and ‘60s?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. doesn’t.
RFK, Jr. believes Operation Mockingbird is alive and well and has continued to today. In May, he recorded a podcast titled, “CIA Propagandizing Americans with Weston Sager,” In which they discuss this topic.
This past June, ABC News reported on Kennedy’s CIA theory in an article titled, “On campaign trail, RFK Jr. pushes ‘bonkers’ theory about CIA’s ‘takeover of the American press.” The subtitle of the story is, “Such conspiracy theories are "classic techniques of propaganda," which is ironic since it’s coming from the media.
The author says Kennedy has “received intense public scrutiny for promoting an array of unconventional theories.” Kennedy’s “persistent assertion that major U.S. media outlets are being run by undercover CIA operatives or are controlled in some other way by the CIA, as part of a secret government plot to manipulate Americans' minds, is a recurring conspiracy theory of Kennedy’s. He often cites widespread -- but utterly unsubstantiated -- allegations that a CIA program supposedly called "Operation Mockingbird" secretly recruited journalists decades ago to help brainwash Americans.” Do you see the hypocrisy of this coming from a journalist trying to convince us that the CIA and the media working against the American people is a ridiculous conspiracy theory?
(The hypocrisy of reporting on the dishonest media by quoting the dishonest media is not lost on me either by the way.)
ABC also reported Kennedy repeatedly saying, “Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today.” That comment coming from the nephew of John F. Kennedy, and the son of Robert F. Kennedy is more believable than anything else the media has to say.
The mainstream media isn’t the only way we’re being propagandized. Not only are we lied to and manipulated by dishonest journalists, the social media platforms do the same. Imagine your mother or grandmother asking, “If the news is lying to us, how do we find the truth?” How do you answer? “Google?” Do you see the problem? The flow of information is tainted from every angle.
In March 2021, the CEO’s of Facebook, Google, and Twitter appeared before two subcommittees in Congress to discuss Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which protects the platforms from liability for users’ posts and allows them to moderate content as they see fit, as long as it’s done in good faith. Some Republicans alleged that the platforms were mainly censoring conservatives, using the “good faith” clause as an excuse to do so. All three CEOs denied that claim. It would later come back to haunt some of them.
In December 2022 Fox News reported that an investigation revealed that Twitter employees were building blacklists, preventing tweets they didn’t agree with from trending, and limiting the visibility of accounts or trending topics—"all in secret, without informing users." In other words, they were censoring content that they didn’t agree with. Since Twitter employees were “flooding Democrats with 99 percent of their donations for midterm elections,” it’s safe to assume that Twitter was in fact censoring conservative voices.
After Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October 2022, he initiated the release of the Twitter Files and turned over internal documents to journalists. One of those journalists, Bari Weiss, reported that Fox News host Dan Bongino was placed on a "Search Blacklist" and Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk was placed on "Do Not Amplify." Weiss revealed that "shadow-banning," a term described to secretly suppressing Twitter users without their knowledge, was referred to by Twitter employees as "Visibility Filtering" which is just corporate speak for shadow-banning.
The lies didn’t end with Twitter.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted that the platform bowed to pressure to censor content on Facebook and Instagram during the coronavirus pandemic. He also admitted that they “briefly demoted” content related to Hunter Biden before the 2020 election. This is not surprising since it was reported by the BBC that Zuckerberg donated $400 million dollars to help the government conduct the election during the pandemic. Although he says the donations were “designed to be non-partisan," he knows that some people believe it benefited one party over the other. We’re fortunate that he’s finally catching on to what we’ve known all along.
Speaking of Facebook, LifeLog was a project of the Department of Defense’s DARPA program. Wired reported that the Defense Department’s research arm, LifeLog, was created “to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does: the phone calls made, the TV shows watched, the magazines read, the plane tickets bought, the e-mails sent and received.” They envisioned LifeLog as a diary for people to capture and organize their experiences. Doesn’t that sound like a government-sponsored version of Facebook?
The Wired article cites Howard Shrobe from MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory who was preparing a bid for the LifeLog contract as saying, "We were very interested in the research focus of the program ... how to help a person capture and organize his or her experience. This is a theme with great importance to both AI and cognitive science.” He went on to say, “I am sure that such research will continue to be funded under some other title...I can't imagine DARPA 'dropping out' of such a key research area."
Was LifeLog funded and rebranded under the name Facebook? The LifeLog program ended on February 4, 2004. Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004. The same day.
There is no such thing as coincidence. Rather than a government program gathering all of our data, we freely gave it to them. Did you know you were doing that when you created your Facebook account?
All media is manipulation. While Facebook was scooping up our personal data, Bot Farms were sprouting and growing into a serious concern in the war of our minds. Bot Farms are used to sway public opinion on a wide range of topics. Social bots are “opinion robots that influence discussions in social networks.” While many of us know they exist, we forget that it’s probably not a real person when we see something that triggers a reaction in us.
We are intentionally misled on social media, believing we are interacting with real people. Social bots interact with people in discussions on Twitter or Facebook just like a real person. Their goal is to spread content on a particular topic for the purpose of influencing our opinions. Those BLM hashtags and Ukrainian flags all over your social media feeds probably didn’t start from humans who are genuinely concerned about black or Ukrainian lives. “A 2016 study by Incapsula concluded that more than half of the world’s internet traffic is generated by bots.” How much has that figure increased in the last eight years?
The People’s Voice wrote about a massive Democrat bot farm that was caught controlling the narrative on social media. The bot farm and fake accounts were made up of “White House staffers, journalists and Democrat operatives involved in the vast operation to manipulate public opinion and brainwash the masses with left-wing narratives.” Patriotic, flag-loving Americans have been manipulated into believing that we were the minority for the last decade (or longer).
The People’s Voice article connects this story to thousands of studies that show people as social creatures who “will go along with the group against his or her better judgment…for the desire of ‘fitting in.” The experiments showed that if just one person disagreed, there was no real impact on the participants’ answers. However, if three or more people disagreed, the other participants would change their response to fit in with the majority. Imagine seeing a post on Twitter that you don’t originally agree with, only to see it liked, reposted, and amplified hundreds or thousands of times. A person may start to believe that their opinion is wrong, and they must change their way of thinking to conform to the rest of society. How many recent societal pressures can you think of where this may have happened?
Elon Musk said he was working to put an end to the bots on Twitter-now-X when he took over control of the platform. His plan is to charge a small monthly cost for X users with the thought that Bot Farms wouldn’t pay the monthly fee for thousands of fake users.
Controlling the Bot Farms with subscriptions is a start. It may have improved slightly, but some of us still feel like we’re tweeting into the abyss. As recently as August 11, the account Patri0tsareinContr0l posted that their paid Premium X account was flagged with 59 labels, including “Do Not Amplify.” Clearly X still has some work to do.
The removal of blocks on conservative voices has been a slow process, and I think that’s by design. Are our voices muted because the time isn’t right? The corrupt Marxists and Communists who controlled our government wanted us to believe that we are the minority. We aren’t. Imagine if the blocks and filters were removed. We would FLOOD social media with our patriotic voices – and truth. Would those big independent journalist accounts who have done fabulous research over the last eight years be amplified to deliver the truth? The tables are turning on the Marxists. When the time is right, we’ll know it.
Social media isn’t the only source of media that needs a major overhaul. Imagine if the mainstream media and search engines were rebuilt without bias. We would have trust in the media. Propaganda would end, as would manipulation and brainwashing. It will be our job to demand that. We are a government for the people, by the people. We need to take back our power and deliver truth and transparency to the People. I believe the Patriots are going to help us do that.
P.S. I have to take a moment to thank my husband. For the last 30 years he’s been my best friend and my partner, and now he’s my A/V guy too. He makes all of the beautiful graphics for my papers, clips the videos, and posts to Substack for me. We make a great team and as always, I’m so grateful for him.