--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
From The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
For the last several years, we have been subjected to a continual stream of disinformation and distraction – a form of psychological warfare. Nothing is as it appears. It is very difficult to discern fact from fiction. What is the truth?
One truth is that our government is corrupt. It always has been, or at least it has during my lifetime.
United States elections are corrupt. President Trump didn’t tell us anything that we shouldn’t have already known. The 2020 election was no exception. He warned us that the election would be stolen, and it was. Debating this is futile. The election theft will ultimately be confirmed.
Our government is corrupt and the 2020 election was stolen. How many members of our government and our government agencies participated in the election theft?
President Trump wanted us to show up in Washington DC to peacefully protest the stolen election. He announced the January 6 rally on December 19, 2020, by tweeting, "Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
Both the media and our government continue their efforts to convince the American people that the rally on January 6, 2021, was not a peaceful protest, but rather a violent insurrection on our country led by President Trump. It is impossible to find a media story concerning the “J6 rally” that doesn’t attempt to convince the reader that the election was legitimate, that President Trump encouraged a violent mob to mount an insurrection, and that the events of the day were much more violent and lawless than they were.
“…on Jan. 6, 2021 – the day that a mob of supporters of former President Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud stormed the U.S. Capitol…” – American Oversight
“…to march to the Capitol and violently resist Congress’s certification of Biden’s victory…” – Brittanica
"…He continues with more baseless claims about a fraudulent election.” – NPR
In addition to the many stories surrounding the events of January 6, the U.S. House established a Special Committee to investigate the events that took place that day. Additionally, the House of Representatives entered Articles of Impeachment to President Trump for “inciting an insurrection.”
Following is the story that hasn’t yet been told – a different perspective of the J6 rally and the images of a violent protest and insurrection. Were the members of Congress (and others) who participated in the election fraud taken into custody that day for their attempted insurrection? Was the January 6 rally a distraction?
January 6, 2021
President Trump began speaking at 12pm on January 6th. The initial breach of the capitol occurred at 1pm. At 1:31 pm, Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser entered a citywide curfew beginning at 6pm on January 6 and ending at 6am on January 7. (The breach had only occurred approximately 30 minutes prior, yet she already thought to impose a curfew? That seems very efficient.)
Shortly after 2pm, Secret Service agents escorted Vice President Mike Pence from the Senate floor, followed by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shortly after.
At 2:20 pm, the building was put into lockdown.
Rep. Peter Welch, a Democrat from Vermont tweeted a video from the House chamber with the statement, “We were just told that there has been tear gas in the rotunda, and we’re being instructed to each of us get gas masks that are under our seats.”
It was clearly a chaotic, stressful, and frightening scene for those involved.
Shortly before 6pm, police began clearing the area and securing the capitol.
At 7:02 pm, Twitter removed President Trump’s tweets from the day and suspended his account for 12 hours. The account was later suspended permanently.
There was a lot of confusion, and still is, as to why the National Guard was not deployed from the start to assist with riot control.
According to research by Jon Herold in Devolution Part 6: “…the President, followed by the DoD, followed by the Secretary of the Army is in charge of the District of Columbia National Guard.”
Colonel Earl Matthews wrote a 36-page statement to the House committee investigating the J6 attack saying that General Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, "repeatedly misrepresented, understated, or misled" the Committee and the Defense Department's inspector general. In his testimony before Congress in April, Colonel Matthews testified that US military leaders revoked President Trump’s Commander-in-Chief powers that day and refused to move in the National Guard – because it might look bad."
Is it possible that the President, the DoD, and the Secretary of the Army chose not to immediately deploy the National Guard because they did not want them involved? Is it also possible that those responsible for the election theft didn’t request the National Guard because they were hoping for chaos? Did they play right into each other’s plans?
After watching the inauguration on January 20, I was convinced that members of Congress were taken into custody on that day. I find it hard to believe that those who had committed such blatant treason against our country would be allowed to remain free. However, it was the discussion between Jon Herold, Patrick Gunnels, and Chris Paul on Devolution Power Hour #246 regarding Colonel Matthews’ whistleblower testimony that changed my opinion that the arrests took place during the J6 rally, not the inauguration.
How do we go from here to believing that members of congress were arrested during the J6 rally? What if the real reason for the rally, the perceived insurrection, the lack of the National Guard, and the confusion were to distract from the United States military escorting and detaining those members of Congress who were responsible for coordinating with foreign actors to steal our election, thus overthrowing our government?
At the time, it didn’t seem that the rally was as violent or out of control as the media wanted us to believe. Some bad actors were present, but whose side were they on? We’ve been told that police officers were injured, Ashli Babbitt was killed, several patriots were arrested. But it didn’t look anything like the violence that we saw in Minneapolis after the George Floyd riots. Yet, the media continues to insist it was a very violent insurrection. I think it is important for us to believe that narrative. The criminals in Congress needed the excuse so President Trump could be charged with inciting an insurrection (or at the very least to prevent him from running for office again). Those trying to save our country needed the excuse so that President Trump, as Commander in Chief, had the legal authority to detain the criminals, and use the chaos of the rally as a distraction.
In the future, any attempt to prosecute President Trump for the actions that I believe he took that day will be pointless since it has been continually drummed into the American psyche that January 6 was a violent insurrection and, therefore, the public safety was in jeopardy.
The Writ of Habeas Corpus
Portrait of President Lincoln in the background
The date of the above Tweet is the same date that President Trump announced the January 6 rally.
Following the Civil War, President Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.
“A writ of habeas corpus is a court order that brings a defendant who is in jail or government custody in front of a judge and requires the government to prove that there is a valid reason the defendant is in jail or is being held.”
Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus:
“The Suspension Clause protects liberty by protecting the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. It provides that the federal government may not suspend this privilege except in extraordinary circumstances: when a rebellion or invasion occurs, and the public safety requires it.”
President Lincoln issued the order to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, because the public safety required it. Did President Trump suspend the writ of habeas corpus on January 6th because the public safety required it?
President Lincoln issued his order pursuant to the provision in Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution stating that "the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion and invasion the public safety may require it."
On September 24, 1862, President Lincoln issued a proclamation imposing martial law and suspending the writ of habeas corpus. The proclamation ordered that… (i) "all rebels and insurgents, their aiders and abettors within the United States and all persons…guilty of any disloyal practice…shall be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment by courts martial or military commission," and (ii) "the writ of habeas corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested or imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prison, or other place of confinement by any military authority…"
“Suspension of habeas corpus is a constitutionally created weapon that can be used in, and only in, civil war and invasion...”
Two points to note: (i) all rebels and insurgents…shall be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment by courts martial or military commission.
Military authority takes over civilian rule upon the declaration of martial law…
In the event of martial law, the military courts may be used to try civilians, as stipulated in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. As such, military authorities lead the implementation of peace and order, including serving the arrest warrants and trial proceedings of those who are deemed to have committed crimes or activities aimed at undermining the government, among a host of other offenses.
Portrait of President Andrew Jackson in the background.
The Tweet above is the same date that President Trump announced the January 6 rally.
From Part #1: What is Martial Law from the Brennan Center:
U.S. law did not recognize martial law as an emergency power until the mid-19th century…In December 1814, toward the end of the War of 1812, Gen. Andrew Jackson led a small army in the defense of New Orleans against a much larger invading British force. As part of his defensive preparations, Jackson imposed martial law on the city.
Even more intriguing is the following from the same Brennan Center article:
…Jackson hoped to set a precedent for, as one historian put it, “the legitimacy of violating the Constitution and civil liberties in times of national emergency.”
It was vital that J6 be seen as a violent, chaotic event. President Trump issued Executive Order 13818 on December 20, 2017, which declared a National Emergency with Respect to Serious Human Rights and Corruption. Interestingly, Joe Biden continued that Executive Order. Its current expiration is set for December 20, 2024. In other words…we are still under a national emergency.
Did President Trump initiate martial law in Washington DC on January 6th?
The second point to note is: (ii) the writ of habeas corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested or imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prison…
During the “storming of the Capitol,” several members of Congress (including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer) were evacuated to Fort McNair, a US Army post historically known as the Washington Arsenal, which is located on a peninsula that lies at the confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers in Washington DC, approximately two miles from the Capitol building.
According to Wikipedia, and confirmed by the AP, “In 2020, the Department of Defense and Army Corps of Engineers proposed a permanent restricted area of about 250 to 500 feet into the Washington Channel along the fort's western bank outlined by buoys and warning signs...In January 2021, the NSA intercepted communications from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that threatened mounting suicide boat attacks on Fort McNair…The communications also revealed threats to kill Vice Chief of Staff of the Army General Joseph M. Martin and plans to infiltrate and surveil the installation. This contributed to calls to establish the buffer zone and continue increased security.”
The writ of habeas corpus is suspended in respect to persons arrested or imprisoned in any military fort and the members of Congress were taken to an Army Fort two miles from the Capitol? And that same Fort required additional security due to a supposed threat of an attack in January of 2021? That sounds like a good excuse to beef up security at Fort McNair to conceal the fact that members of our government were being temporarily detained there.
In addition to all of the odd coincidences above, only 11 members of each party were present at the Capitol building for the electoral college vote due to the pandemic. Ironically, on November 20, 2020, after Senator Rick Scott tested positive for COVID, I Tweeted the following:
Were Republican Senators testing positive for the virus as an excuse to limit the number of congressmen present at the Capitol on January 6th?
One can assume this would be a highly confidential mission by our military. Were they attempting to limit the number of people who could possibly interfere with what was taking place?
According to a story reported in Newsweek, “White House records turned over to the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack have revealed a nearly eight-hour gap in former President Donald Trump's phone log from that day, sparking questions as to whether Trump and his team communicated on burner phones or other backchannels that day. The gap spanning seven hours and 37 minutes between 11:17 a.m. and 6:54 p.m. was first reported by CBS News and the Washington Post.” Where was President Trump and what was he doing during this time?
More research is required of the events that occurred between January 6th and January 20th but I can only fit so much into this paper. A quick glance at the Congressional Record shows that Congress was in session on January 11, 12, 13, and 15, 2021 and Nancy Pelosi appointed a Speaker Pro Tempore on those days. Nancy doesn’t appear in the Congressional Record until January 19th.
Inauguration Day – January 20, 2021
Then there was Inauguration Day.
Over 25,000 National Guard were in Washington DC for Biden’s inauguration. In comparison, only 9,300 were present for Obama’s 2012 inauguration.
Apparently, they weren’t just there for COVID related support:
On January 12, the secretary of the Army authorized the National Guardsmen to be armed in support of the U.S. Capitol Police to protect the Capitol and individual members of Congress and their staff.
In addition to the increase in National Guard members, a January 14, 2021 Press Release by the Washington DC Capitol police mentions the enhanced security measures throughout the capitol complex which included fences and street closures.
A January 19, 2021 article on Aljazeera.com mentions, “Central Washington is an armed fortress, fenced off with razor wire and surrounded by 25,000 National Guard troops ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration…” and “The COVID-19 pandemic had already cancelled the inaugural balls. Now the National Mall is closed to the public due to threats of violence from groups who attacked the US Capitol on January 6. Almost none of the public will witness firsthand the transition of power…” It goes on to say “It’s like a ghost town but with soldiers.”
Is this what martial law in Washington DC would look like?
To replace the hundreds of thousands of onlookers who would have been in attendance, the National Mall was closed and dotted with 200,000 flags to signify those who couldn’t be there due to the pandemic and the violence of the J6 rally. 200,000 flags would provide a great lack of visibility to onlookers.
Cancelled parties, razor wire fences, armed soldiers, hundreds of thousands of flags to replace an audience, a closed National Mall…all because of the universal excuse of COVID, coupled with the very violent attack on January 6th.
Let’s not forget that the inauguration itself was strange. People were ‘socially distanced’ while wearing masks and sunglasses.
There was Lady Gaga performing the National Anthem in her Hunger Games-inspired dress:
Bernie Sanders pouting in his mittens…
This video of Nancy Pelosi ushered through the rotunda by what appear to be US Marshalls:
One of her escorts says, “Don’t say nothing.” Based on her word choice and tone, she clearly doesn’t feel deference toward the Speaker of the House. Nancy dutifully responds with, “I won’t,” as though she understands who is in control.
Prominent figures of society seemed to go missing. Many still are. Where certain government officials were dominating the Sunday news shows, they are now virtually silent. For years, they tried convincing us that the Orange Man was bad, COVID was going to kill us, the Russians were coming, and China was taking over our country. Where are they? Trump is dominating the polls, the news, and he appears unphased by anything as he entertains thousands at rally after rally. Yet many prominent members of our government (past and present) and three-letter agencies appear to be….gone. People like Eric Holder, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper. Between 2021-2023 many of these people were silent.
Was the rally on January 6, 2021, a distraction? Were the members of Congress (and others) who participated in the election fraud taken into custody on that day?
Are we literally watching a movie? If so, I suspect the ending is going to be a blockbuster.
I hesitate to add the following but after further research felt it was necessary to add to the story.
The media tried their best to demonize ‘Q’ as an illegitimate psyop without credibility, and to portray Q followers as violent, right-wing extremists. However, they offer no explanation as to how 4,966 posts with open-source data, that encourages us to research our government, is not a valuable resource. In addition, there is no explanation as to why this information is still available. ‘Q’ is most likely a legitimate operation that was designed to inform us without revealing top secret or classified data. It was and is our responsibility to hold our government accountable.
If you haven’t read through the 4,966 Q posts, I urge you to do so for yourself. There is a great deal of information to help us understand where we are and how we got here. If you prefer to jump ahead to be brought up to speed, there are many people who have attempted to decode the posts. A good place to start might be the Q for Dummies series by Paul Fleuret from Badlands Media.
I felt it relevant to bring up the Q posts because there are several that relate to the content of this paper. Prior to listening to Devolution Power Hour Episode #246, I was convinced that the arrests happened during the inauguration. When I heard Jon, Patrick, and Chris discussing Q post #4414, I had an epiphany and became convinced that J6 was the actual day.
There is a lot to unpack in this Q post, and if you are not familiar with the posts, this may be difficult to understand. If you understand the Q posts, you will probably be as excited as I am:
After I finished the first draft of this paper, I searched the Q posts for “martial law” and “writ of habeas corpus.” I found the following relevant posts. My mind was blown when I read them. There is a common theme in the Q Posts that, “Future Proves Past.” I think these posts are evidence to that.
(If you haven’t yet read the Devolution Series by Jon Herold (@PatelPatriot), I urge you to do so. Jon documents in detail the Continuity of Government plan that many of us believe was initiated after the theft of the 2020 election.)